
Counter strike download stuck at 56
Counter strike download stuck at 56

counter strike download stuck at 56

I've already told you why, it is about weapon information for That will always be the sad side of the story for bot developers, the engine might change the rules and you'll have to fix it.īut, for CSS not bot has been able to be really smart. Surely did half a year ago (when it was released), but somehow the guys at Valve changed somehting, and the bot stopped RCBot did a good try, and the sad thing now, is that the bots don't spawn anymore. However, one bot caught my eye as a platform to develop on. In fact, nobody did it before, it is still impossible for a third-party-bot developer In fact, i still lack a lot of time, but sometimes i just create time for RealBot related

counter strike download stuck at 56

People asked me if i would create a bot for it.Īt first i'd say "YES!", but later I discovered that it is not that easy, and that other things asked more time from Since Half-life 2, or better said, Counter-Strike Source came out. But hey, thats a good thing ) If you want to tell you disagree, that i should myįinal minutes a day on RealBot or whatever, you could post them here And, when i lookīack i realize i can do much better now. It was fun while it lasted, i have gained a lot of experience throughout this project. There are other things important, more important than RealBot. It is all because of the same cause ever, lack of time.īefore any of the smart guys react like RealBot is not important enough to me (because, you can say you only assign time to things you think are important). The holidays are almost over, and then a long time of silence will be introduced. Actually I am still enthousiastic about bots and Half-Life. So why all of a sudden? It looked like i was getting more enthousiastic right?


Oh, you can still get the source code and write up fixes and whatever yourself. And what do I do? I'm going to tell you that I have officially pulled the plug out of RealBot. From here I can see the clouds gather, getting darker.

Counter strike download stuck at 56